Based on not finding bash, I would think that t may not be finding your rootlv.

That generally means either the driver for the disk controller/scsi,
or a critical filesystem component, or something else is missing in
the required pieces to find the rootlv.  You said you aren't using LVM
so that simplifies some things.

If you have a serial port and a serial crossover cable and/or enough
scroll back if you remove quiet you should be able to see the disk
controller init and other messages so you can confirm what is or is
not getting found.

Ripping apart the initrd and/or using lsinitrd to check various
components to see if all the pieces are there and/or all of the
settings are right in the initrd files is probably a good idea.

I have had dracut get confused and not include critical parts because
of system config issues when dracut was being run, but most of those
should have went away when you did hostonly=no.

On Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 12:35 AM stan <> wrote:
> On Tue, 4 Jun 2019 18:49:29 -0500
> Roger Heflin <> wrote:
> > I would check these modules in dracut: dracut --list-modules, some of
> > them are rescue and debug and a few other modules may help.
> >
> > The tools may allow you to get a prompt inside the boot when it fails
> > and/or give you some tools to do some debugging.
> I added debug to the nohostonly initrd file, and there was no change in
> the output during a boot.  I tried using the rescue that was copied
> over, but it just booted the original system (successfully).  I've been
> thinking of taking apart the rescue initrd, editing the UUIDs of the
> drives, and putting it back together so it would rescue the new
> system.  Getting closer to that.
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