I have a feeling that when this is resolved I'll be doing a face palm and
saying "of course, you idiot!" but I'm not seeing the answer right now.

I have a local repo that I maintain using rsync from an official Fedora
mirror site. This repo is located on one of my "always-on" servers using a
systemd automount in /etc/fstab:

worldsys:/install       /install       nfs    rw,x-systemd.automount     0 0

This works great for installing new packages and doing updates, but it does
not work for doing dnf system-upgrade. The packages are not copied when the
"system-upgrade download" is done because they are already on a
locally-available file system, but when  the "system-upgrade reboot" is
done, the upgrade fails (presumably because the remote file system is not
available at the point of the upgrade boot where the upgrade transaction is
run, either  because the network is not up or the automount is not

Is it impossible to do a system-upgrade from a remote-mounted repo (which
would defeat much of the purpose of maintaining such a repo), or is there a
way to make the network come up and the automount happen at system-upgrade
reboot time?

I suppose I could set up a web server on the system with the repo so that
the download would be forced at system-upgrade download time, but that's a
big hammer for a small nail that I would prefer to avoid.

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