On 5/5/19 10:45 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:
On Sun, May 5, 2019 at 1:41 PM S. Bob <s...@quadratum-braccas.com> wrote:
Hi All;

I've managed to install Fedora 30 on a new LG Gram 17 laptop.

I had to set acpi=off to get the live cd to boot, then I had to remove
the acpi=off and rebuild the EFI grub file so the trackpad would work,
subsequent boots without the acpi=off seem to work fine.

I am seeing an odd situation when I shutdown & restart:

1) shutdown often takes a long time, I see that stop jobs are running
either for packagekit or sometimes "flush journal to persistent storage"

2) sometimes booting up takes a long time , indicating a start job is
running - flush journal to persistent storage
Boot parameter 'systemd.debug-shell=1' will give you a very early
shell on tty9, with root available without a password needed. Useful
for troubleshooting but it's a security risk. Once you get the hang,
you can switch to tty9 and do

# systemctl list-jobs

And see which ones are hanging. And then

# systemctl status <job/service name>

I can't think of a reason off hand why flushing the journal would take
a while if this is a default installation. What do you get for:

# cat /etc/fstab
# blkid

The tty9 console will be available for a while during shutdown as
well, and you can do the same list-jobs check, and also get status.

There are ways to get more verbose journal logging, but they are super verbose.

3) If I ever do a hard power off then it boots to what seems to be a
windows boot manager, showing several options, like this:


2. ATA HDD2: CT1000MX500SSD4

3. Windows Boot Manager

Then I need to power off again and change the following bios settings,
they always get changed when I hard power off:

Legacy OS Boot - (Gets set to Disabled, Fedora won't boot unless this is
set to Enabled)
If this is enabled at the time Fedora is installed, you will get an
installation (a bootloader) that depends on it always being. But it's
a suboptimal arrangement.

The laptop has UEFI firmware, and this legacy boot option when enabled
activates something called a Compatibility Support Module which will
present a faux-BIOS firmware to the bootloader and operating system.
It's designed for supporting old, and thus legacy, operating systems.
Fedora isn't a legacy OS. Short of unfixable or unworkaroundable UEFI
bugs, it's better if this option is disabled and you reinstall, even
if you have some new problems related to UEFI to work through.

At least on one of my laptops with legacy mode, SSD drives run in IDE
compatibility mode rather than as SATA devices, and everything is
slower, but not as slow as what it sounds like you're experiencing.

I also think it's a little weird that these firmware settings change
when you hard reset. It makes me suspect firmware bugs, and that means
there might be a firmware update that'll fix them. Confusingly the
manufacturers often still call these BIOS updates, even though what
they mean is firmware update. So I suggest checking for firmware
updates with the manufacture. If you don't have Windows installed,
hopefully they have a DOS based installer. Those come in two flavors,
single image that includes DOS and the updater, and updater only. If
updater only you can use FreeDOS.

RTC Wakeup from S4 - (Gets set to Enabled, Fedora won't boot unless this
is set to Disabled)

SW Guard Extensions (SGX) -  (Gets set to Enabled, Fedora won't boot
unless this is set to Disabled)

Sometimes I need to go into secure boot configuration and choose "Delete
All Signatures"
That's not expected. Secure Boot is disabled when Legacy OS is
enabled. The two aren't compatible.

If I do a dnf update and get a new kernel then the above process is
triggered as well

Other than struggling with booting a bit the laptop works great with Fedora.

Anyone have any insight on how to fix the above issues?
Can't fix it until the problem is understood. Right now it's a search
for why it's happening.

Thanks, I'll give the list-jobs bit a try.

Meanwhile here is mt fstab file:

root@F30-host # cat /etc/fstab

# /etc/fstab
# Created by anaconda on Wed Dec 31 19:25:43 1997
# Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under '/dev/disk/'.
# See man pages fstab(5), findfs(8), mount(8) and/or blkid(8) for more info.
# After editing this file, run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to update systemd
# units generated from this file.
UUID=e2654eae-f91a-4703-a18e-9ff92e815450 / ext4    defaults        1 1
UUID=de4a0b48-7d2b-49c5-b8cb-feca56178444 /boot ext4    defaults        1 2
UUID=361aeb12-1e4e-494f-9a05-be298b45828a /data ext4    defaults        1 2
UUID=2eb9d524-e7e3-4e8a-823f-cea19f3a3483 none swap    defaults        0 0

And here is the output from the blkid command:

root@F30-host # blkid
/dev/sda1: UUID="de4a0b48-7d2b-49c5-b8cb-feca56178444" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="35cdfa7a-01" /dev/sda2: UUID="e2654eae-f91a-4703-a18e-9ff92e815450" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="35cdfa7a-02" /dev/sda3: UUID="2eb9d524-e7e3-4e8a-823f-cea19f3a3483" TYPE="swap" PARTUUID="35cdfa7a-03" /dev/sdb1: UUID="361aeb12-1e4e-494f-9a05-be298b45828a" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="a474e262-01"

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