In installed the dock plank on my Fedora 29 installation this morning, then found

a python-based plank settings app.

However it does not work with Fedora's version of plank (0.11.4).

The settings app gives this error:

( GLib-GIO-ERROR **: 12:41:28.299: Settings schema 'net.launchpad.plank.dock.settings' does not contain a key named 'zoom-enabled' /usr/bin/planksetting14: line 1:  6935 Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped) python3 /usr/share/planksetting/

I suspect it's related to Apples threat to Plank developers over use of the icon zoom property

which the fruit company has apparently patented ?? Plank is reported to have removed the zoom option,

Is there a work around? I don't particularly care about the zoom function eye-candy but

it would be nice to be able to use the settings app.


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