On 1/14/19 4:26 PM, Doug wrote:
> On 01/14/2019 05:33 PM, Rick Stevens wrote:
>> On 1/14/19 12:41 PM, Bob Goodwin wrote:
>>> .
>>> Does anyone have experience with software for use with Amcrest cameras.
>>> I am able to view the rtsp video with vlc and Fedora 29 but that does
>>> not provide control for the other functions such as pan and tilt.
>>> We can control them with an iPhone or iPad but I would like to do it
>>> from my Linux desktop.
>> I've got similar devices (the Foscam 9831W versions). I use ZoneMinder
>> (ZM) and I can get them to pan and tilt using ZM.
>> I haven't tried to do it outside ZM, but ZM uses Perl scripts to do the
>> control ops. My guess is you could borg those scripts to do what you
>> wish. ZoneMinder is available from the repos.
> Does anyone watching have any experience with a Pyle camera?
> I haven't tried ZoneMinder--didn't know about it, but it's in my repos.
> Using PCLinuxOS.

I've never heard of that camera, but many of them work in a similar
manner. Looking at it, the RTSP stuff (video streaming) looks pretty
standard. You didn't say what specific version of their cameras you
have, but the generic stuff I can find is that you should be able to
view the video by firing up VLC and using the URL:


(replacing USERNAME and PASSWORD as needed). If so, then you can sure
use ZM to access it. The big question is the PTZ stuff and I really
can't speak to it.

ZM is fairly flexible, but looking at its database neither Pyle nor
any of the PIPCam stuff appear to be in it (at least in the version I
have). It's possible their stuff is a Panasonic or D-Link clone. I
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ri...@alldigital.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 226437340           Yahoo: origrps2 -
-                                                                    -
- Treat each day as if it's your last...a lot of crying and whining  -
-      usually gets you what you want!              -- Sam Sledge    -
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