Get a bunch of messages when starting mate. I can't find anything that is missing.


$ mate-session &
$ ** Message: 18:04:22.174: couldn't access control socket: /run/user/1001/keyring/control: No such file or directory Window manager warning: Failed to load theme "BlueMenta": Failed to find a valid file for theme BlueMenta

Window manager warning: Failed to load theme "Simple": Failed to find a valid file for theme Simple

Window manager warning: Failed to load theme "Simple": Failed to find a valid file for theme Simple

[1544742291,000,xklavier.c:xkl_engine_start_listen/]    The backend does not require manual layout management - but it is provided by the application

** (zeitgeist-datahub:11553): WARNING **: 18:04:56.683: kde-recent-document-provider.vala:174: Couldn't find actor for 'userapp-firefox-4hgwzw'.

** (zeitgeist-datahub:11553): WARNING **: 18:05:09.403: kde-recent-document-provider.vala:174: Couldn't find actor for 'kwrite'.

** (zeitgeist-datahub:11553): WARNING **: 18:05:09.439: kde-recent-document-provider.vala:174: Couldn't find actor for 'kwrite'.

** (zeitgeist-datahub:11553): WARNING **: 18:05:09.544: kde-recent-document-provider.vala:174: Couldn't find actor for 'kate'.

** (zeitgeist-datahub:11553): WARNING **: 18:05:09.576: kde-recent-document-provider.vala:174: Couldn't find actor for 'userapp-firefox-4hgwzw'.

** (zeitgeist-datahub:11553): WARNING **: 18:05:09.813: kde-recent-document-provider.vala:174: Couldn't find actor for 'userapp-firefox-4hgwzw'.

** (zeitgeist-datahub:11553): WARNING **: 18:05:09.867: kde-recent-document-provider.vala:174: Couldn't find actor for 'userapp-firefox-4hgwzw'.

** (zeitgeist-datahub:11553): WARNING **: 18:05:10.100: kde-recent-document-provider.vala:174: Couldn't find actor for 'words'.

** (zeitgeist-datahub:11553): WARNING **: 18:05:10.126: kde-recent-document-provider.vala:174: Couldn't find actor for 'userapp-firefox-4hgwzw'.

** (zeitgeist-datahub:11553): WARNING **: 18:05:10.162: kde-recent-document-provider.vala:174: Couldn't find actor for 'LibreOffice'.
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