Sam Varshavchik wrote:
> P.S. This is really an awesome directory to dump configuration files into:
> /usr/lib/udev/rules.d. Apparently, /etc is not good enough, for udev.

/etc is fine for local system config files and udev uses
them.  Rules files from packages are placed in /usr/lib.
Having default configuration outside of /etc is not
uncommon.  This is described in the second section of

   The udev rules are read from the files located in the
   system rules directory /usr/lib/udev/rules.d, the
   volatile runtime directory /run/udev/rules.d and the
   local administration directory /etc/udev/rules.d. All
   rules files are collectively sorted and processed in
   lexical order, regardless of the directories in which
   they live. However, files with identical filenames
   replace each other. Files in /etc have the highest
   priority, files in /run take precedence over files with
   the same name in /usr/lib. This can be used to override a
   system-supplied rules file with a local file if needed; a
   symlink in /etc with the same name as a rules file in
   /usr/lib, pointing to /dev/null, disables the rules file
   entirely. Rule files must have the extension .rules;
   other extensions are ignored.

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