Thanks for this.

Certwatch is uninstalled now, it just tells me if any of my certs have expired 
and as I don’t have any on that box any more it’s kinda pointless :)

I’ve removed the stuff to hide the output from the apache restart in logrotate 
so I’m going to let it run tonight and see if anything exciting gets logged



> On 12. Nov 2018, at 16:08, Andy Blanchard <> wrote:
> Of that bunch, autodld (downloading RPMs) and rkhunter (scanning the
> filesystem, taking checksums, and looking for changes) are both
> passive, certwatch probably shouldn't be updating certificates every
> 24 hours (but could do, so worth checking!), and logwatch just parses
> the existing logfiles - it shouldn't touch the daemons.  That leaves
> logrotate as the prime suspect, IMHO, as that definitely HUPs/restarts
> daemons after it rotates logfiles.  However, it also tracks when it
> was last run and won't cycle a logfile and HUP a daemon if it doesn't
> need to - since it's already cycled the logs at 03:54, it won't do so
> again when you're trying to run it manually unless you tweak the file
> "/var/lib/logrotate.status" first.
> Note also that httpd exited within the window for logrotate, which
> also seems to point the finger at logrotate, so I'd definitely make
> sure that was in tonight's list of disabled scripts, and it might be
> worth double checking what update cycle certwatch is using too.
> Andy
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