On 11/7/18 4:14 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
> On 11/8/18 7:55 AM, Rick Stevens wrote:
>> Yes, HW clock set to GMT (well, technically UTC) for Linux is standard.
>> The local time is computed based on your timezone. I have the HW clock
>> set to UTC on all my machines and I see the correct local time in my
>> logs.
> Well, we were talking about "time zones" I'm pretty sure GMT is preferred.  
> Remember GMT
> is a "time zone" while UTC is a standard.  :-)

Well, yeah. But I'm a pilot and we always use UTC. My systems are set to
UTC. A lot of the timezones are symlinked to Etc/UTC and it's listed as
"canonical", so perhaps we're both right. Nyaah! Thppppt! :-p

>> A UTC hardware clock will confuse the hell out of Windows. If you dual-
>> boot Windows and Linux, this will cause some head scratches.
> So I've heard.  :-)
Odd, too, since WinNT (the archetype for Windows 7/8/10) was essentially
written by the same blokes who wrote VAX/VMS for DEC and (IIRC) VAX/VMS
preferred GMT for clocks. It's been a LONG time since I futzed with it
but that's what I recall. I could be wrong (and probably am).
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ri...@alldigital.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 226437340           Yahoo: origrps2 -
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-       Blessed are the peacekeepers...for they shall be shot at     -
-                 from both sides. --A.M. Greeley                    -
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