On Wed, 2018-11-07 at 14:53 -0500, David A. De Graaf wrote:
> When a new Fedora is released, I immediately fetch the Live Xfce
> Spin .iso.  As a Gnome hater, I want to avoid that entrapment.
> I've always found Xfce perfectly suited for me.
> This crucial piece of the release is missing at all the mirror sites
> I've visited and, indeed, the file that lists checksums for all the
> Spins omits mention of the Xfce-Live version.  I've been hoping and
> expecting this omission to be corrected, but it's been over a week.
> I did find one place:
>    https://spins.fedoraproject.org/xfce/download/index.html
> that offers to "Download Fedora 29 Xfce Desktop", and I have done so.
> However, there's no checksum that I've been able to discover.


Found by copying the url into the address bar and removing the file
part of it.

FWIW, it matches the checksum provided by ToddAndMargo elsewhere in
this thread.

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