On 10/30/18 1:36 AM, j.witvl...@mindef.nl wrote:

No improvement ever without change, (although not every change lead to improvement.)

Sometimes purchases/buy-outs works out fine. Like the purchase of StarOffice by SUN-Microsystems.

I admit, the world of Open Source does has victims, sometimes not caused by corporate-management but even by technicians vs community.

No, I did not mention the replacement of  init.d by bloatware…


Hi Hans,

One of the things I had to learn when I switched from RHEL and Clones
was System D.  I almost tore my hair out.  But, once you learn it,
it is a lot better than System V.  But its takes a while to get there.


I am Windows
I am the Blue Screen of Death
No one hears your screams

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