On Mon, 29 Oct 2018 19:32:37 +0000 Rick Stevens <ri...@alldigital.com> wrote:

> On 10/29/18 11:52 AM, Walter H. wrote:
> > On 28.10.2018 23:49, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> >> I know this is strictly OT, but I suggest it's of some interest to this
> >> list:
> >>
> >> https://www.cnbc.com/2018/10/28/ibm-to-acquire-red-hat-in-deal-valued-at-34-billion.html
> >>
> >>
> >> poc
> >>
> > I guess this won't affect anything on the development of Fedora, RHEL,
> > CentOS, Scientific Linux
> > this might be a chance to have RHEL on IBM Main Frames ...
> Do big IBM (or any) mainframes still exist?
> Fedora is the "bleeding edge" development arm of RHEL. Eventually, once
> enough changes have been made and stabilized in Fedora, it becomes the
> next release of RHEL. We Fedora users are just the lab rats and a giant,
> very vocal and fairly sophisticated bunch of beta testers. CentOS is
> built off the RHEL source tree. It's rebranded, but it is essentially
> RHEL (but free and without direct RedHat support to users).
> Now, will any of this change? Likely, but due to the various copyright
> and patent prohibitions (GPL, Apache license, etc.), IBM couldn't lock
> down the guts of Linux. They might not put any of their "enhancements"
> in the wild, but....
> On the flip side, if IBM follows the example of, oh, say Tata in its
> acquisition of Jaguar Cars, this might not be a horrible thing. Tata,
> fortunately, took the view that "We at Tata know how to build trucks and
> forklifts. Jaguar, you know how to design and build cars, so you do that
> and share the profits with us." So far, that's worked out fairly
> successfully for Jaguar and Tata. If IBM takes a hands-off approach
> similar to what Tata did, this might not be that horrible.
> Only time will tell. Am I scared? A bit, but I can wait. There are
> alternatives out there. I'd hate to switch...I've been a RedHat/Fedora
> user for a LONG time (since Red Hat 3, I think).

Btw,I think that it is still true that Tatas' largest shareholders (in both 
Tata Steel and Tata Motors) and lots else are public sector banks which are 
owned by the government of India which is constitutionally a Socialist 
Sovereign Secular Democratic Republic. More importantly, the Tatas are known 
for their social bent and for taking care of their employees, and have been 
since Jamsetji  founded the steel plant in Jamshedpur. The first non-Tata chair 
of the holding company Tata Sons was shown the door maybe two years ago 
because, if i remember right, he did not quite care much for the niceties of 
acquiring Corus, etc, and thought it was a waste of money.

Of course, it is not known what direction IBM will take Redhat and its 
contributions to OSS but with Wall Street breathing down the neck for a quicker 
bang for the buck, who knows. I don't know that things can be better than they 
have been, as far as Fedora goes, so hopefully they will not be worse.

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