On 06/23/2010 10:55 AM, Jerry Feldman wrote:
> I only have 3 extensions: (1) AdBlock Plus. I had disabled this after I
> first posted the message.
> (2) Enigmail. While I did experience the slowdown on 3.1 where there was
> no enigmail.
> (3) English Dictionary.
> Possibly I will reinstall 3.1 and either disable the 2 remaining
> extensions or run it in safe mode.

I have a lot more than you:
* ConfigDate
* Country Lookup
* Display mailing list header
* Display mail user agent
* Image zoom
* LookOut
* Nightly tester tools
* Remove duplicate messages
* Russian spellchecking dictionary
* Signature switch
* WebMail / Yahoo

A bunch more (including enigmail) were disabled by the upgrade (not 
compatible) and I've left them off except for WebMail.
Mnehny was updated for 3.1 recently, and looking through its options, it 
has some feature for remembering which conversations were 
open/closed/etc - and it warns that it might affect performance.

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