On Mon, 2018-10-29 at 10:00 -0700, ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
> On 10/29/18 4:17 AM, j.halif...@seznam.cz wrote:
> > Capitalism is not a good system because of a sum of locally optimal 
> > behaviors
> > doesn't need to result in an optimum. Behavior of companies oriented for 
> > their
> > maximal profit causes negative devastating nature, social tensions, 
> > devastating
> > democracy, even criminal overthrowing legally elected governments, murdering
> > "inconvenient" politicians, mass corruption of politics, journalists and 
> > everybody
> > who agrees to sell their influences to public opinion, even the wars 
> > initiated for
> > fabricated reasons like "spreading the good and democracy" by means of 
> > shame-
> > less lies in UN or mass murders and genocide done by the terrorists 
> > painted with
> > "mendacious colors" of  so called "refugees," corrupting snipers for 
> > shooting the
> > demonstrating people of the both sides etc. Totally wrong !
> "Capitalism" is an economic vehicle, not an economic system.
> Socialists use it extensively, mainly to fund their horrible
> war machines -- the Soviets and the Nazis for instance.
> Socialism only works on paper and requires the barrel of gun
> to force others to produce when they do not get to see the
> fruits of their labor.  And keep in mind that Socialists
> have cost humanity over 200 million souls in the past
> decade alone.
> The "free free market" on the other hand, if you do not meet
> the needs of your customers, you fail.  Sure, folks can cheat,
> but they only get away with it for so long.  Under the free market,
> the only way to achieve maximum profit is keep your customers happy.
> I live it and breath it every day of my life.
> One of the few proper usages of government is to make sure folks
> don't cheat (monopolies, etc.).  But even without this, monopolies
> do eventually fail anyway -- it just takes longer.  Microsoft,
> who does cheat, will feel the full force of this eventually.
> Do not be fooled by flowery, utopian descriptions of Socialism
> in college text books.  Look around you. It has never been
> successful anywhere it has been tried.  And remember the lost
> 200 millions souls.  A good place to start looking would be
> the current situation in Venezuela.

Now we're really getting OT. I lived in Venezuela for over 30 years and
think I know more about the situation there than pretty much anyone
else on this list. I do NOT want to discuss it here.

I suggest this thread stay on topic and be limited to specific comments
on the IBM acquisition and what it may mean.

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