On 10/26/18 11:17 AM, bruce wrote:
> Alta-Vista..
> remember inktomi!
> remember the "gurus" saying.. after alta-vista... "search is dead"..
> there's nothing left!!
> and along came page-rank...
> remember goto.com (pasadena).. and how if google hadn't/didn't rip off
> the goto.com biz model, google may not have made it!
> goto.com.. what.. you're "charging" or making $$$ from ads around
> search (paid search... how "gross!!)
> yeah rick.. we're old.. gimme my vodka!

Scotch for me. Single malt, mostly Speysides (Glenrothes, Ben Nevis,
Balvenie, Aberlour). In a pinch (or if I have extra $$$ lying about),
Johnnie Walker Blue. Yes, it's a blend, but OH MY! WHAT a blend! Then
again, it should be at $175/fifth!

> On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 1:42 PM Rick Stevens <ri...@alldigital.com> wrote:
>> On 10/26/18 9:25 AM, Tim via users wrote:
>>> Allegedly, on or about 26 October 2018, Eddie O'Connor sent:
>>>> "Crawling"....is that the same as "Parsing"?
>>> Going from page to page, or site to site, parsing the contents.
>>> Whether that be following links from one page to another, using the
>>> links on those pages, or following links from some other list.
>>> As opposed to just parsing the contents of one particular page.
>> Other terms for what Bruce is referring to doing are "scraping" or
>> "spidering". One uses a tool such as wget or something similar to walk
>> down a website (or several sites), collect the data and "scrape"
>> interesting tidbits into a database for use in some way. In some
>> respects, this is what Google or Bing or Yahoo or (this'll date me)
>> Alta Vista does to drive their search engines (I think Alta Vista is
>> long gone--it was owned by DEC).
>> A huge part of this is the pattern recognition bit and often employs
>> different types of AI to extract the information one is interested in.
>> It's quite an involved process and very impressive if it's done right.
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> - Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ri...@alldigital.com -
>> - AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 226437340           Yahoo: origrps2 -
>> -                                                                    -
>> -  Perseverance:  When you're too damned stubborn to say "I quit!"   -
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ri...@alldigital.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 226437340           Yahoo: origrps2 -
-                                                                    -
-         "If you can't fix it...duct tape it!"  -- Tim Allen        -
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