Allegedly, on or about 17 October 2018, bruce sent:
> I'm simply trying to get the two(2) sites to be accessed via two(2)
> different urls..
> I do not have an actual FQDN, the two(2) sites are tests on the box.
> The "/foo" and "oxwall" are
> aliases within the vhost blocks.
> Something is obviously wrong.. No matter what I do... I'm getting the
> 1st "foo/b2evolution" site!
> Can't seem to figure out the "doh!!" issue...

If you want two completely different sites, then give two different
domain names to that IP.  If this is only to be done within a LAN,
that's easy enough to do.  Just create some faked domain names that
won't clash with anything you need to do on the net.  Then set up
virtual name hosts in Apache.

e.g.  &

If you just want two different sites from a common address, just make
the foo and oxwall directories inside the directory root, and access
them as per your example addresses above.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 4.16.11-100.fc26.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue May 22 20:02:12 UTC 2018 x86_64

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