
On 2018-10-16 17:48, Samuel Sieb wrote:
On 10/15/18 11:20 PM, Philip Rhoades wrote:
Sorry, I wasn't clear - originally (some months ago) the system would slowly grind to a halt - if I got indications it was going to happen, I could sometimes shutdown properly.  More recently it is just Chrome

That could just be some process (Chrome?) using all the available
memory and forcing the system to swap badly.

Yes, I think so but I am still surprised that Chrome could cause such a result on a relatively fast machine with 32GB of RAM.

crashing out with all the Chrome windows disappearing.  I am able to restart Chrome but I suspect the system is left in an unstable state so I usually do a manual reboot anyway . .

If it's just Chrome crashing, your system is unlikely to be in a bad
state unless you have some indication otherwise.  Try running chrome
from the command line and see if there is any useful info when it
crashes.  Also check the journal.

There must be some incremental problem that is getting worse with time - otherwise how is the increasing frequency of Chrome crashes explained? I think it is unlikely to be hardware and more likely to be a Chrome problem - which seems to be exacerbated by watching YouTube videos . . I set up a XFCE Panel button and shell script to actually play videos with mpv OUTSIDE of the Chrome YouTube Window / tab but that didn't help . .


Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794
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