On 2018-10-15 12:44 p.m., Samuel Sieb wrote:
> On 10/15/18 8:53 AM, Digimer wrote:
>> Here's the PXE menu (with kernel options) I am using;
>> ====
>> label linux
>> menu label ^Install Fedora 28 64-bit
>> menu default
>> kernel fedora28/vmlinuz
>> append initrd=fedora28/initrd.img
>> inst.stage2= ip=dhcp ksdevice=eth0
>> rd.shell rd.debug log_buf_len=1M
> Here is what I use (without the kickstart option):
>   kernel vmlinuz-28
>   append initrd=initrd-28.img
> root=live:http://hostname/28/images/install.img inst.sshd
> I like including the "inst.sshd" option because then I have a way to
> debug installation issues.  I renamed the vmlinuz and initrd because I
> have many different versions available and need to keep track of where
> they came from.  The "28" directory contains a complete copy of the
> Everything netinst iso, but I think the install.img is the only file
> that is used in this case.
> I normally do EFI installs, but I keep this available in the rare case I
> need to work on a non-EFI configured laptop, which I did last week.

That worked!! Thank you so much! I bashed my head on this since Thursday...

I'm building a project for general use, so I need to make sure this PXE
system will boot both BIOS and UEFI targets. I'm sure I may bug you
again later, but this gets me moving forward again.


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