On 9/26/18 5:03 AM, Neal Becker wrote:
> Rick Stevens wrote:
>> On 9/25/18 12:32 PM, Neal Becker wrote:
>>> I'm using f28 cloud on AWS as a compute farm.  It seems that instances
>>> randomly shutdown within hours of starting.  An example log:
>>> ...
>>> Fedora 28 (Cloud Edition)
>>> Kernel 4.16.3-301.fc28.x86_64 on an x86_64 (ttyS0)
>>>          Stopping Restore /run/initramfs on shutdown...
>>> [  OK  ] Removed slice system-sshd\x2dkeygen.slice.
>>>          Stopping User Manager for UID 1000...
>>> ...
>>> In this case after about 4 hours it seems to have spontaneously shutdown.
>>> This happens with high probability - maybe 2/10 instances I start
>>> spontaneously shutdown.
>>> Any ideas what's going on?  I'm just wondering if this is something
>>> specific to fedora cloud edition, because it doesn't seem to be a common
>>> complaint on AWS (most of which is ubuntu).
>> Are you getting emails from AWS that they're shutting down your
>> instance? AWS does some testing and, should your instance fail their
>> tests, they will shut it down "to protect others sharing the hardware".
>> If this is what's happening, you should get an email about it (we get
>> one perhaps 20% of the time) and if not, check the AWS admin portal
>> under "Events" right after a restart. There should be a record about it.
>> That record goes away after a while (not sure how long it hangs around).
>> In my experience, AWS is rather vague as to just _what_ tests they use
>> to determine if your instance is dangerous so it can be difficult to fix
>> your code. We've got some AWS stuff that's been up for well over a year,
>> but others they shut down because they fail these mysterious tests.
>> If you're using instance store disks, the disk image is purged when you
>> restart your instance so your logs probably don't contain why the system
>> shut down the last time. The only way to hang onto that stuff is to use
>> persistent (EBC) storage for your machine--at least for the logs (I'd
>> recommend st1-type storage for logs). Persistent storage at AWS can get
>> expensive depending on how big it is, but it may be necessary to sort
>> this out. Once figured out, you can get rid of the EBS storage to
>> minimize costs.
>> This may be a Fedora Cloud issue. It may be something you're doing in an
>> application. It may be AWS protecting itself. Hard to tell.
> Shutdowns occur with very high probability within few hours.  Like, maybe 
> 20% of my machines shutdown within a few hours.  I suspect machines with 
> high load average shutdown.  But that's not behavior I'd expect from fedora 
> workstation!  I'm wondering if there's something about the fedora cloud 
> setup causing this?
Please check the AWS portal and see if they're killing your machines or
if they're shutting down of their own accord. And as I said before,
you may need to set up an EBC st1 storage volume and mount it at
/var/log to persist logs across reboots so you can examine them when you
bring the machine back up.

It might an idea to set up a small AWS instance with the EBC storage at
/var/log as a log server and have all your other instances log to it.
You'd be able to capture any of your AWS instance logs that way on a
single EBC storage volume.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ri...@alldigital.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 226437340           Yahoo: origrps2 -
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-                                             -- Larry Fine          -
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