On 09/07/2018 03:34 PM, Michael D. Setzer II wrote:
On 7 Sep 2018 at 15:54, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
Date sent: Fri, 7 Sep 2018 15:54:59 -0500
From: Ranjan Maitra <mai...@email.com>
To: users@lists.fedoraproject.org
Subject: Re: OT: fastest way to copy one drive to another
Organization: Mailbox Ignored
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On Fri, 7 Sep 2018 16:37:49 -0400 Tony Nelson <tonynel...@georgeanelson.com>
On 18-09-07 15:48:23, jdow wrote:
dd if=/dev/<drive1> of=/dev/<drive2> bs=1073741824
conv=sparse,noerror & pid=$!
Btw, do the drives have to be unmounted? Just making sure.
Drives should not be mounted at time, or changes could be made during the
copying process.
The line for the cloning process in my g4l is like this.
dd bs=1M if=$clonesource 2>/dev/null |jetcat-mod -f 5000 -p $clonesize
2>$progout |dd bs=1M of=$clonetarget 2>/dev/null &
Uses a dialog script to set the variables, and then runs the copy command in
background. The foreground script takes the data written to the progout file
and displays a progress bar via dialog.
Be very careful to make sure you copy the correct drive to the correct drive,
since if you get it wrong you loose it all.
Michael D. Setzer II,
What is the purpose of inserting the utility
jetcat-mod between the 2 dd commands?
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