
Summary: What I want is, for a Fedora 28 Server (Intel NUC) to always
prefer using wired connection if available, and fallback on wifi; not
just for outgoing connections but also when I do 'ssh
chris@f28s.local'. There is one AP/router that serves both wired and
wireless connections and both server and workstation.

Out of the box this doesn't happen. So first questions are: should it
work out of the box? can it be made to work? and if so what do I need
to modify to make it work as described?

What I've learned so far:

nmclic c show <connection uuid>

connection.autoconnect-priority should be higher on the preferred connection.


So I've picked a value of 1 for wired and 0 for wifi. That should mean
if I make an outgoing connection, it should always prefer wired. And
yet 'netstat -natp' shows this is not true, sometimes it's using the
wired path sometimes the wireless path, and I can't tell what the
pattern is. If any.

If I 'scp <fileonworkstation> chris@f28s.local:/tmp' I more often than
not get clearly wifi speeds (and a connection check confirms it's
using the wifi ip), but sometimes it's wired. Again, I can't figure
out the pattern.

If I disconnect the wired connection, yes everything is
deterministically wifi haha. But if I connect wired back in, the first
X connections (or maybe it's Y time) are always only wifi and not
wired. If I restart avahi manually, it becomes wired.

Sooooo that means avahi might be playing a role here, it has no way of
defining preferred connection though that I can tell. But I don't know
anything about multicast and whether it can specify more than one
address for a host name, and with preference based on the
NetworkManager connection priority?


Chris Murphy
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