On 08/24/18 10:41, None via users wrote:
> Dear Fellow Fedora users,
> I had a script called upon by cron which played music at a certain time, for 
> example
> 30 08 * * 1-5 ~/.dalarm
> And .dalarm had
> #!/bin/sh
> /usr/bin/xterm -e
> /usr/bin/mplayer -really-quiet -shuffle -playlist ~/.playlist
> It worked, but I did have speakers, now. I do not have external speakers, but 
> a monitor with speakers, if there is no activity with the mouse, the speakers 
> are not heard and while the script does work, the monitor is not active, it 
> is on, but inactive.  I am using KDE and I do not know which screensaver is 
> working, the screen blanks and the monitor goes to sleep.  How can I wake up 
> the screen/monitor so I can hear the alarm playing.  I remember trying
> $ xset dpms off
> Or similar and turn off screen blankinh, but that does not work anymore.  How 
> do I figure out a way to get it working?
> Thanks in Advance,

In KDE the settings for the monitor blanking is located in System Settings under
Hardware, Power Management, Energy Savings.

Conjecture is just a conclusion based on incomplete information. It isn't a 

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