On 07/26/2018 05:14 AM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> On 07/26/2018 06:54 AM, Mark C. Allman wrote:
>> On 07/25/2018 09:04 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>>> On 07/25/2018 07:59 PM, Tony Nelson wrote:
>>>> On 18-07-23 10:08:50, Ed Greshko wrote:
>>>>    ...
>>>> Just jamming in here to report that my Acer Aspire E15 that on F25
>>>> would suspend to disk and shut down, after upgrade to F28 with the
>>>> 4.17.7 kernel, suspends to disk but does not shut down.  After forcible
>>>> power-off it does resume from disk.  F28 with an F25 kernel still works
>>>> properly.
>>>> Is this worth adding to the bug?
>>> Please do.
>>> I will try a suspend tomorrow.  I had too much work (trip report so I
>>> can get paid) to do today.
>>> So we will see tomorrow how it suspends.
>> Suspend is still waking back up and forcing a second suspend request to
>> finally go to sleep.  Kernel: 4.17.7-200.fc28.x86_64
> Just did a successful suspend.  Perhaps my particular environment is now
> fixed.
> I did get the wake back up twice during this time with perhaps 7
> suspends.  The first was with the first suspend.  The second was after I
> had my VM up and running.  This time, with everything active, just a
> simple suspend.  So it is really a question as to what set of things
> causes the suspend to wake up immediately.
> So I will hang in there and see if I can trust suspend.  I will increase
> the kernel count so that I don't loose 17.3.  Yet.

You can try (as root):

        # dnf install 'dnf-command(versionlock)'
        # dnf versionlock add kernel-4.17.3-200.fc28.x86_64 \
        kernel-core-4.17.3-200.fc28.x86_64 \
        kernel-modules-4.17.3-200.fc28.x86_64 \

to protect it from deletion. You need to specify all of those as the
kernel RPM itself is a meta RPM that pulls in the -core, -modules and
-modules-extra RPMs. Actually, it'd be a good thing to do an

        # rpm -qa | grep 4\.17\.3

to find ALL of the related RPMs and add them to the "dnf versionlock"
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ri...@alldigital.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 226437340           Yahoo: origrps2 -
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