Rick check my previous message as i can't connect by telnet as you suggest. I 
can print to my remote printer anyway. It seems that i cannot connect to my 
local cups service, and on this machine i have no loal printer conected. I am 
lost but now here it is sleeping  time 😃

Inviato da smartphone Samsung Galaxy.
-------- Messaggio originale --------Da: Rick Stevens <ri...@alldigital.com> 
Data: 07/06/18  00:38  (GMT+01:00) A: users@lists.fedoraproject.org Oggetto: 
Re: can' connect to localhost 
On 06/06/2018 03:05 PM, Antonio M wrote:
> systemctl status cups.service
> ● cups.service - CUPS Scheduler
>    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/cups.service; enabled; vendor
> preset>
>    Active: active (running) since Wed 2018-06-06 23:29:07 CEST; 35min ago
>      Docs: man:cupsd(8)
>  Main PID: 891 (cupsd)
>    Status: "Scheduler is running..."
>     Tasks: 2 (limit: 4296)
>    Memory: 16.2M
>    CGroup: /system.slice/cups.service
>            ├─ 891 /usr/sbin/cupsd -l
>            └─2479 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://
> giu 07 00:04:52 fujitsu cupsd[891]: Expiring subscriptions...
> giu 07 00:04:53 fujitsu cupsd[891]: Expiring subscriptions...
> giu 07 00:04:54 fujitsu cupsd[891]: Expiring subscriptions...
> giu 07 00:04:55 fujitsu cupsd[891]: Expiring subscriptions...
> giu 07 00:04:56 fujitsu cupsd[891]: Expiring subscriptions...
> giu 07 00:04:57 fujitsu cupsd[891]: Expiring subscriptions...
> giu 07 00:04:58 fujitsu cupsd[891]: Expiring subscriptions...
> giu 07 00:04:59 fujitsu cupsd[891]: Expiring subscriptions...
> giu 07 00:05:00 fujitsu cupsd[891]: Expiring subscriptions...
> giu 07 00:05:01 fujitsu cupsd[891]: Expiring subscriptions...

Ok, fine, then test cups by doing

        $ telnet localhost 631

If you get a connection, then CUPS is listening on the
address (localhost):

        [rick@prophead ~]$ telnet localhost 631
        Trying ::1...
        Connected to localhost.
        Escape character is '^]'.
        ^] (that's CTRL-right-square-bracket or "CTRL-]")
        telnet> quit
        Connection closed.

If that works, then CUPS is running. If you've got a local printer on
that machine and you're trying to share it, make SURE you tell CUPS that
and you'll have to open the firewall port for ipp so other machines can
see it.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ri...@alldigital.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 226437340           Yahoo: origrps2 -
-                                                                    -
-  BASIC is the Computer Science version of `Scientific Creationism' -
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