On 20180604 17:25, jdow wrote:
On 20180604 07:31, Ed Greshko wrote:
OK, is anyone else seeing this and/or finding this annoying?

Getting list emails where I don't really know who is sending. The "From" shows 

None via users <users@lists.fedoraproject.org>

So, it is showing up as "Fedora" in the From column of T-Bird.  The actual header in the email are showing as

From: None via users <users@lists.fedoraproject.org>
Cc: olivares33...@protonmail.com

So, it seem that olivares33561 is the real poster.

Check off "Correspondents" as a column head rather than "from".

Hm, I see that does not always work when I use Reply-List. Ah well, it seems 'ix related lists work hard to screw up MUAs. It's almost funny. Every time something works it has to be changed to "something better" which breaks everything in its path. I think that's why 'ix remains a server world and not a user world. Whatever Ed and Tim are doing, and indeed most people on the list, it comes up with their names when I use Correspondents.

And for me "From" actually works on this list. Go figure. I see "names" even for this message of my own to which I am replying.

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