Added comment to bug 1541330 <>

On 06/03/2018 12:44 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
Anyone here using Audacity?

I am recording some records through an amp to usb converter (ADS Tech Instant Music).  Been having problems with one Bach Concerti album getting stuck.  So after a couple tries, I tried enabling passthrough mode in recording so I could listen to the record and nudge the arm past the stuck part.

Everytime I started a record session Audacity just crashed with no warning.  Finally, I turned passthrough off and have increased the head tracking weight (hey I bought this turntable back ~'73; I have touched the settings for DECADES!).  So far it looks like I added enough weight and after the side is recorded I will see if it is OK at the higher weight.

Meanwhile, I would think the passthrough problem is a bug.  I never tried it in prior versions so I do not know if it is recent (guess I could go back to that F21 system with the bad fan and see what happens).  So I am checking here first for other Audacity users before filing a bug on it.


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