On 05/25/18 11:22, Eddie O'Connor wrote:
> I can't believe it. You all won't believe it. Ok....so I think maybe I'm an 
> idiot.
> Apparently I installed a FONT that came from KDE package base!!!!! Who knew 
> FONT would have such a "following" of dependencies!?....needless to 
> say?...the font
> (which I had downloaded to help my niece do a school project) inls now 
> gone.....I
> did "dnf clean all" and then "dnf update dnf"....and finally "dnf 
> upgrade"....and
> there's No trace of a KDE based ANYTHING on my system?!...will stick to the 
> Gnome
> fonts and not do any random ninsyapls ever again!!!

Would you mind to tell us the font package you installed?

Conjecture is just a conclusion based on incomplete information. It isn't a 

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