I keep three PCs on my desk, running Fedora behind a KVM switch: #1 is
my present biggest fastest, #2 its predecessor, and #3 that one's
predecessor; I try try keep them as similar as is feasible.
They've all been having troubles for months, which have only gotten
Under F27, they kept filling up with some sort of cruft, to the point
of refusing dnf upgrade; but when I found any of the cruft, it was in
places where I dared not lay about me with a cyber-battleaxe. I jumped
to F28 the day of release.
At this point, none of the three is usable at all without some dodge or
#2 and #3 have each been wiped, twice, with different releases of DBAN,
followed each time with a netinstall of F28 with Mate, and then dnf
upgrade daily. All their boot messages show green OK. Those end with
"Started Light Display Manager."
Usually they proceed to a login box in front of the F28 display of blue
light-conducting fibers. That accepts my password, churns a little way,
and ends with a monitor full of blue horizontal lines, plus a few white
lines in the middle and at the bottom; there is nothing legible.
By doing Alt-Ctrl-F2, I get a display which lets me log in as root; I
keep doing dnf upgrades, and trying startx, every day. I also reboot
whenever there's a kernel change.
Startx always flashes a couple times, then fails with a few lines of
text, beginning with an attempt to adopt my monitor size (called "1920
1080" -- not 1920x1080),losing contact, and ending by saying that the
Xserver "terminated successfully."
I'd like to try replacing LDM with something else; how do I do that??
(I like Mate well, and would prefer not to swap it out,too)
Finally, #1 has two F28 kernels -- which do no better than on #2 nor #3
-- and a rescue kernel from F26. Sic. Twenty-six, not 27 nor 28. But
that rescue kernel does support almost my whole GUI (I miss Pan badly.),
and I don't have to descend to the console.
#1 got F28 by upgrading with dnf from F27, and still has a lot of stuff
on it that I'd rather copy to #2 and #3 directly than by way of solid
state storage, if I dare risk malware. (I don't know where else all the
cruft could have come from, apart from malware, but I hope someone here
Beartooth Staffwright, Not Quite Clueless Power User
Remember I know little (precious little!) of where up is.
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