On 05/13/2018 02:02 PM, Dave Mitchell wrote:
But now near the end of the boot sequence (filling-up teardrop turning
into a fedora logo), the cursor appears in the middle of the screen, but
doesn't move with either mouse or touchpad input. After a few more minutes
the fedora teardrop vanishes, leaving a blank screen with a frozen

Alt-Ctl_F1..7 do nothing.

I can ssh in. journalctl shows (amongst lots of other stuff):

May 13 21:36:07 pigeon systemd[1]: Reached target Network is Online.
May 13 21:41:09 pigeon systemd[1]: Reached target Multi-User System.
May 13 21:41:09 pigeon systemd[1]: Reached target Graphical Interface.

There's nothing in the journal that leaps out at me as an error.

Any idea how to debug this?

With a graphical problem, it's a good idea to include info about which graphics chipset you have.

One thing to try is edit /etc/gdm/custom.conf and uncomment the Wayland=false line. If that doesn't work, then edit the kernel boot line and add "3" to the end of the line. This should boot to a console. If that works, then login as your user and try running "startx".
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