On 05/11/18 08:19, Temlakos wrote:
> On 05/10/2018 07:29 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
>> On 05/11/18 07:13, Temlakos wrote:
>>> What sort of problems does that "overlap" cause, and how does one work 
>>> around them?
>> They both contain some of the same packages.  You may run into a situation 
>> where a
>> package is updated in one repo but you have another package from the other 
>> repo which
>> is still dependent on the older version of that package.
>> So, you may find it necessary to use the "exclude" directive in a repo's 
>> config file
>> so you only get it from the other repo.
> Sounds easy enough in principle. Where do I find the full syntax and usage of 
> the
> "exclude" directive?

man dnf.conf    under the section "OPTIONS FOR BOTH [MAIN] AND REPO".  The 
is actually excludepkgs.
> I'm about to make my upgrade. Knowing I can activate another repo to provide
> makemkv--and keep it up-to-date--should make my life a little easier, on 
> balance.
> What's the best way to activate the negativo repo when doing a clean install?

That information is available on the https://negativo17.org website.  I would 
"activate" their repo after an install or after an upgrade.

Conjecture is just a conclusion based on incomplete information. It isn't a 

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