On Wed, 2018-04-18 at 17:30 +0000, Beartooth wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Apr 2018 22:42:53 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> > The details differ according to which desktop manager (DM) you're using
> > (which is *not* the same as the Desktop Environment). The typical
> > options are GDM, KDM, SDDM etc. In the case of SDDM there's a drop-down
> > menu at the lower left corner of the login screen where you select which
> > environment to log into. I forget how the others work but it should be
> > similar.
>       HOORAY! That last word did it. I clicked in the uttermost corners 
> of the monitor (not just the box, which I had taken to be the login 
> screen), and the third one (upper right) had a tiny icon which proved to 
> be for exactly that. With my arthritic eyeballs and trifocal fingers, I 
> might never've found it without help. Many, many thanks!

Glad it worked. Possibly a different DM might be easier to use for you.
You can change the DM quite easily, e.g.:

# systemctl enable sddm (or kdm, gdm, lightdm, ...)

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