On 04/04/2018 08:05 AM, home user via users wrote:
3. socat -v tcp-l:143 openssl:imap.mail.yahoo.com:993 2>evolog.txt

This is the correct one.

After entering that, I launched Evolution, and entered the info. for the yahoo 
e-mail account that I use for this list.  When that was done and the account 
was done loading, I quitted Evolution, and then terminated the socat by 
entering CTRL-C in the terminal.  No messages showed up in the terminal, and 
evolog.txt was empty.

You need to change the account connection setting to use the server at localhost and the imap port 143, with no ssl or tls. If you don't do the redirection to the log file, you can see immediately if it's working or not because it will dump on the screen. You can also do "telnet localhost 143" in another terminal to make sure the socat command is correct and the imap server responds.
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