Allegedly, on or about 22 March 2018, Antonio Olivares sent:
> I have a script that uses awk to generate reports for our soccer
> team.  This script was corrected by Jon LaBadie a very helpful
> person.  Unfortunately my colleagues do not have linux on their
> machines and they would like a spreadsheet to do the same so they can
> keep track of the season and to check how many PTS/GF/GA/DIF they
> have as a team.  I created one, but they do not understand it, uses
> decimals and integer part, and they get confused.

Tangential approach:  Use your script to create a webpage that they can
view in their preferred web browser.

It is possible to put a Linux shell on a Windows PC (e.g. a port of
BASH), so they could run your program.  Though, unless you need other
people to be able to enter data, than yourself, my first suggestion
seems simpler to manage.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 4.15.7-200.fc26.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Feb 28 18:01:11 UTC 2018 x86_64

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