If I understand Samuel's response, this problem is unsolvable by us and
by Thunderbird. I've seen opinions elsewhere that this is basically
verizon/yahoo not playing nice with Thunderbird. (I wonder if other
independent e-mail clients are also having trouble with verizon/yahoo.)
I've also seen opinions elsewhere that Thunderbird is basically pointing
the finger at verizon/yahoo rather than seriously trying to figure this out.
I take Joe's comment to be sarcastic. I think if I were to send
anything to the verizon/yahoo postmaster (postmas...@yahoo.com?), it
would either bounce or get dumped into their "bit bucket".
I'm closing this. I've seen posts to closed and solved issues before,
so if anyone has something helpful, go ahead and post it, or start a new
thread. I'll be checking Fedora HYPERKITTY almost every day. I'll
eventually see your post.
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