On 03/15/18 04:49, Martin Wagner wrote:
> I've got a Fedora 27 desktop that has a slight network problem. 
> I'm using VPN and I used nm-connection-editor to configure it so that
> the VPN activates when eno1 activates. That worked fine in Fedora 26.
> But after upgrade to Fedora 27 the network doesn't start properly at
> startup, instead after I log in to gnome desktop I use the tools in top
> right corner to Turn On Wired Connection and that brings up both eno1
> and VPN just fine. 
> Any suggestion how to make it work at startup?

You've said you have things set to activate a VPN connection for the ethernet
interface, yes?

What type of VPN are you using?  I don't have my VPN activated automatically.  
when it comes to OpenVPN there are 2 choices for saving the password.  Either 
for one
user and encrypted or for all users and un-encrypted.  I would think that for 
the VPN
to be activated without your having logged-in it would have to have been saved
un-encrypted for all users. 

I just tested it on a VPN and unless I have the PW saved for all the interface 
not come up on boot.

Conjecture is just a conclusion based on incomplete information. It isn't a 

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