On 03/14/2018 10:46 AM, William Mattison wrote:
I did a "View source" on the most recent empty-looking message.  Everything is 
there.  The whole thing is 742 lines long.  You want the top how many lines?  Or how 
would I recognize the end of the header?

The end of the header is the first blank line.

What displays in the header area (below the list of messages, above where the 
message body displays) of Thunderbird is:
 From users-requ...@lists.fedoraproject.org
Subject users Digest, Vol 169, Issue 74
To users@lists.fedoraproject.org

Did you copy and paste that? There should be a colon after each of those first words unless that is part of the body after the header. It sounds like you are using the digest version of the list. Why?

Against the right margin of the Subject line is "05:45 AM"

Not sure what you mean by this.
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