
Did you open up the ipp port in your firewall configuration?


Am Sonntag, den 25.02.2018, 19:42 +0100 schrieb François Patte:
> Bonjour.
> I try to configure a printer on my local network but all attemps
> fail.
> I have a printer attached to one computer on an usb port and I want
> to
> use it with other computers on my local network.
> I opened firefox on one computer and miracle: the printer attached to
> the other computer is discovered and cups admin interface asks me if
> I
> want to add this printer. Nice: the job is easy!! *But* this does not
> work at all!!
> Sending a test page returns that the printer is not responding.
> I tried to cofigure the printer using the "Add printer" way and chose
> ipp. According to the given syntax, I wrote: ipp://name-of-server/ipp
> but this does not work: sending a test page returns that the printer
> is
> misconfigured or no longer exists...
> I replaced the name of the server by its IP address... same result.
> I tried: ipp://name-of-server:631/printers/name-of-printer-on-server. 
> It
> does not work, the message is now: Filter failed.
> What fiter? I don't know as cups logs no longer exist since
> systemd...
> Does somebody know a solution?
> Thank you.
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