On 06/16/2010 08:42 PM, g wrote:
> Jerry Feldman wrote:
> <snip>
>> BTW: I am subscribed to the Thunderbird list, but I have not had the
>> time to follow it recently. As I mentioned before, I have been ignoring
>> my friend Google :-)
> not having time is very understandable.
> may well be that upgrading, as konstantin suggest, may well be a better
> solution than what i have seen for work arounds in thunderbird tsl.
> i will keep up with this thread and if rawhide upgrade does not cure
> problems, i will search my files to see what is in them.
Seems pretty stable today. Had a system update yesterday, and didn't
reboot until last night. (Additionally I just had a freeze while typing
reboot :-).

Jerry Feldman <g...@blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix
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