On 02/03/2018 09:44 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
I happen to be the type of person that is more interested in just listening to 
music than thinking I may want to do more conversions later.  That is why I 
spent the
time when I did to find what works best for "me".  As a matter of fact, in the 3
years since I transferred my collection from CD to ogg files I've never said to
myself "I wish I had done things differently".  And I've never been tempted to
recreate the original CD.  :-)  Only recently did I replace my CD/DVD drive 
which had
been broken for about 2 years.

Well, see, I started doing conversions from CD to MP3 (probably at 128Kb) over 20 years ago when hard drives were still measured in MB. :-) Over the years, hard drives have become larger and I've switched to ogg and raised the quality level a couple of times. Now hard drives are large enough that I can go right to flac as the maximum quality and if there are any new formats or whatever, I can very easily re-encode the whole collection at once with no difficulty.
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