Allegedly, on or about 30 January 2018, Patrick O'Callaghan sent:
> is in principal a very simple requirement: the files were scanned in
> a certain order, but I want to reorder them in the sequence the shots
> were actually taken. This has to be manual because the files have no
> EXIF information.

Find an EXIF editor, insert some basic meta data by hand?

At some stage you are probably want to going to edit metadata, to add
personal information (names, places, etc.) to images, rather than just
a series of numbered images.

I went through this pain, years ago, while taking photos at our state
fair over ten years (and the last one had 650 photos).  Having to name
the people in photos, what the photo was about, etc.  And while many
will say that the best place for meta data is in an external file, I
disagree.  The only way metadata will stay with a picture, as it gets
moved and copied about, is when it's incorporated into it.

I was using Gthumb, and I dabbled with shotwell, at some stage, to do
that kind of thing.  But I seem to recall it stored meta data in its
own system, separate from the images.

I can't recall which program, but you could select a batch of images,
give them all the same metadata (such as a common location).  Then
select individual images, customising them.  I can't remember if I
could select some of the prior batch and give them some extra common
metadata without losing prior metadata, though.

In essence, you're creating a database, and that's probably the best
way to approach it.  Surely there's some photography database software?

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 4.14.13-200.fc26.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Jan 11 05:43:34 UTC 2018 x86_64

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