On 18/01/2018 10:52, Rick Stevens wrote:
On 01/17/2018 01:34 PM, Stephen Morris wrote:
I have been trying to build Apache 2.4.29 from the source files provided
upstream (the Apache foundation doesn't provide binaries for rpm based
systems) by using rpmbuild to compile the source into various binary rpm
files that I can then install into Fedora 27. In doing this the process
identified a number of devel dependencies that needed to be installed.
One of these dependencies was DISTCACHE which does not appear to be in
the Fedora 27 repositories, nor the F26 or F25 repositories, and from
investigation on the net seems to have disappeared some time after F18.
I did find an rpm for distcache for Centos 6 which 'rpm -ivh' indicated
it successfully installed but both yumex and dnf refuse to acknowledge
its existence.
And they won't since you installed it using rpm, not dnf. To rectify
this, reinstall the RPM using "dnf reinstall <path/to/your/rpm>" to sync
dnf's database and try to use dnf to install local packages instead of
directly using rpm (it works just fine).
Thanks Rick, I didn't think of doing it this way as I'm used to other
rpm based distributions where issuing the command rpm -ivh <rpm file>
was enough to get the rpm registered in their package management system
as well.
To work around this I tried to do an rpmbuild --rebuild
of the distcache source rpm I had downloaded but it failed with a
dependency on SSLeah which I can find in the Fedora repositories either.
I think you mean "SSLeay". There are two Perl packages that have that,
as revealed by 'dnf list "*leay*":
Sorry Rick you are correct, it was ssleay, but when I issued the command
dnf info SSLeay, using the case sensitivity as specified in the error
message, dnf said it didn't exist.
[root@golem4 ~]# dnf list "*ssleay*"
Last metadata expiration check: 2:52:04 ago on Wed 17 Jan 2018 12:58:08
Installed Packages
perl-Net-SSLeay.x86_64 1.81-4.fc27
Available Packages
perl-Crypt-SSLeay.x86_64 0.72-17.fc27
To make life easier, distcache isn't necessary for Apache...it's just
"helpful". I'd build Apache without distcache support by running the
configure script WITHOUT specifying the socache-dc module (either in the
"--enable-modules=MODULE-LIST", "--enable-mods-shared=MODULE-LIST" or
"--enable-mods-static=MODULE-LIST" options, or via the separate
"--enable-socache-dc" option).
If you don't specify some form of "enable-socache-dc", it doesn't get
built and as I said, it's not really necessary for a functional Apache.
Thanks Rick, I hadn't thought of unpacking the bz2 file to do these
sorts of changes, plus I wouldn't have known what to change anyway. I
was just following apache's instructions on how to generate the binary
rpms, which was to run the command 'rpmbuild -tb httpd-2.4.29.tar.bz2',
which compiles the source and builds half a dozen or so rpms which can
then be installed into the relevant distro, but this process refuses to
complete unless distcache-devel is installed.
As I can't find any information on how to integrate Apache httpd to
Eclipse, other than to edit one of the Apache config files to add the
eclipse workspace directory into the appropriate path specification,
which seems counter intuitive to me, and the only plugins I can find to
be installed into Eclipse are for Apache Directory Studio, I decided to
abandon the Eclipse process for the time being and go down the
Netbeans/Glassfish path, both of which have JSF support out of the box.
Whether that support is JSF 2.2/2.3 remains to be seen.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital ri...@alldigital.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2 ICQ: 22643734 Yahoo: origrps2 -
- -
- Where there's a will, I want to be in it. -
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