On 01/07/18 13:12, Tim wrote:
> Allegedly, on or about 6 January 2018, Beartooth sent:
>> Firefox, along with few other browsers, has one valuable feature 
>> that should spread. If you copy a *long* link (like, say, three to
>> five lines long in an email) into its address bar, it will eliminate
>> the spaces that come from line ends, and go to the site.
> Are you talking about links being typed into emails, or in emails
> you're reading?  Either way, he solution would be more to do with the
> email program not breaking a long URI into pieces (whether or not it
> *displays* it spread across several lines).  The dreaded unintelligent
> line wrapping methods that various mail clients use.
> I've usually managed not too bad with those situations.  Some mail
> clients will recognise the link is several lines long, and you can just
> click on it anywhere.  Others may require you to highlight the whole
> URI, and then it'll get treated as one long line.
I've had similar experience.  It seems to have gotten better over the years, 
for me. 
A while back it seems the MS mail clients were the biggest headache.  I recall 
to tell a friend of mine never to put a link as the first line.  If you used any
client other than the MS client you couldn't click on the link.

Anyway, I don't think automatically altering a URL is a good idea.  At least in 
way I understand the OP's feature request.  I read it as the "copy/paste" 
was somehow supposed to recognize that the destination was to be a browser and 
"fix" the URL.  Doesn't sound very practical to me.

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