It could also be an error of settings.
In Edit -> Preferences, the first tab (titled General) lets user type in the start page.
The OP might have typed the stuff by mistake into that field.

On 01/06/2018 11:12 AM, Germano Corrêa wrote:
Well, this surely isn't a firefox feature, definitely not normal. Are you sure there isn't an extension doing this?

Em sáb, 6 de jan de 2018 às 16:08, Beartooth < <>> escreveu:

            Running under F27, Ffx 57 puts some accursed Url in its
    box on every new tab. Blasted thin is a royal pain to have to delete
    before I can just enter the one I want. How do I turn this
    excrement off??

    Beartooth Staffwright, Not Quite Clueless Power User
    Remember I know little (precious little!) of where up is.
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