On 12/13/17 08:18, Rick Stevens wrote:
> On 12/12/2017 03:23 PM, Greg Woods wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 4:19 PM, Patrick O'Callaghan
>> <pocallag...@gmail.com <mailto:pocallag...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     There's almost no reason to run Windows on bare metal
>> There is if you use Windows to play 3-D games.
> In my experience, Windows has never played nicely with any other OS on
> the disk. M$ thinks they own the world and they used either
> unceremoniously evict any bootloader that wasn't theirs from the disk
> or bitch loudly that the drive was used and refuse to install at all.
> For those who had to have M$ on their system, my advice was to install
> Windows first, reserving enough space on the disk for Linux to live in.
> Second, install Linux into that reserved location. Linux would set up
> grub to load Linux or chain-load Windows and Bob's your uncle.
> If you must run Windows on bare metal rather than a VM, I'd use a second
> disk, install Windows on it and have your BIOS boot that second drive
> when you want to bring up Windows. A second drive may not work so well
> on a laptop, but you could use a USB3 external drive for the times you
> need Windows. This also allows you to cart your Windows environment
> around with you as you move from machine to machine (and you'd only
> need one license). I use a VM for Windows but I use it very rarely--
> usually only if someone holds a large gun to my head or threatens my
> dog. Well, that only happened once and the person threatening my dog
> was, uhm, "disapeared". :-)
I don't use Windows at all.  But I have question anyway.  I thought that Windows
would complain, and maybe refuse to run, if you used an external drive and the
hardware it is running on has changed.

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