On 12/04/17 08:13, Alex wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sun, Dec 3, 2017 at 4:53 PM, Ed Greshko <ed.gres...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 12/03/17 23:23, Alex wrote:
>>> If I boot to multi-user first, then switch to graphical boot, it works fine.
>> Are you saying that after you get to multi-user mode you do something like 
>> "init 5"
>> to get t a GUI login or you use startx?
> Is startx different from "systemctl isolate graphical.target"?

Yes.  With startx you don't start a display manager (gdm, sddm, or whatever 
chosen).  You won't have a login screen.

> I believe I've used both, but don't remember what I did last or if
> both of them produce the same results.
> (I'm new to Wayland but not Xorg or X11)

It sounds as if you have a standard Workstation installation and as such gdm 
will be
the DM.  And, it sounds as if gdm isn't starting.

When you boot and get to the blank screen you should be able to get to a Virtual
Terminal (ctrl-alt-F2) and login to see what is going on.

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