On Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 2:03 PM, David A. De Graaf <d...@datix.us> wrote:

> I've freshly installed Fedora 27 on two machines;  neither have a printer
> directly connected, but rely on cups-browsed to display the LAN's printers
> that are attached to, and managed by other (F26) machines.
> Not any more.  cups-browsed seems to have lost its ability to detect
> automatically those network printers.  Is anyone else seeing this?  Or have
> I screwed up, somehow?
> For earlier Fedoras I've edited /etc/cups/cups-browsed.conf to add:
>     BrowseAllow
> to restrict browsing to my LAN, but now there's a comment
>     # If there are no "Browse..." lines at all, all servers are accepted.
> so that edit shouldn't be necessary.  I've tried with and without it, but
> F27 browsing still fails.
> In the system-config-printer GUI I can still click thru a bunch of steps
> to search for and find those network printers.  And then use them.  But
> that's tedious and much less useful than the previous totally automatic
> availability of all printers across the LAN.
> Is this a regression?

Definitely a bug of some sort. I'm in a similar situation. It does find the
printer but says something about it's unable to print to it. I can add one
manually via wifi and I can print to it but when I try to make it as
default it always "unchecks" itself. The screen hinda flashes like a
refresh. Something weird going on for sure.

 Glad it's not just me.

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