According to other replies gnome-keyring is involved so perhaps the
fault lies in that. I doubt upstream ssh guys would override cli options
with agent. Cli is usually the highest order of priority. I will try to
investigate further and try to pinpoint the blame.
For now I managed to completely disable it system wide by adding export
SSH_AUTH_SOCK="" in a /etc/profile.d script.
On 11/23/2017 04:18 AM, Eric Griffith wrote:
This is not just Fedora specific behavior. I ran into this a few days
ago on a Mac after adding a bunch of keys to my agent (one per AWS
region). Even if you specify a key with “-i” it will still go for the
agent, resulting in an Auth failure. Not sure if specifying a key in
the config will over ride it though, I didn’t try that.
The fact that SSH prioritizes the agent over a manually specified key
definitely smells like an upstream bug though. That’s not just counter
intuitive that’s a blatant disregard of an explicit command specified
by the user.
On Nov 22, 2017, at 19:33, Todd Zullinger <
<>> wrote:
Tom Horsley wrote:
On Thu, 23 Nov 2017 00:06:11 +0100 cen wrote:
Anyone doing linux admin or dev work has more than 5 keys in their
.ssh directory, rendering the agent completely USELESS PIECE OF
Why? I do lots of linux admin work and I only have two keys.
I use a different key for each organization I'm working for/with. I
have a personal key, one for Fedora packaging, one for github,
another for bitbucket, and several for different companies where I
perform admin work.
You can certainly use one or two keys for all of that, but I don't
think it's the best practice to do so. Not everyone feels the same,
but it's far from unusual to have quite a few keys.
If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for
reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
-- Albert Einstein
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