privoxy.service most certainly has:

I'm staring at this service file, right now.

I have privoxy binding to an internal IP address, of course:


However, privoxy just failed to start for me, after a reboot.

2017-11-04 09:16:52.710 7f8d7a298700 Fatal error: can't bind to Cannot assign requested address

Would anyone care to guess what the problem is (no need to mention the obvious, one-word answer, although I'd fully agree with it), given that:

Nov  4 09:16:52 shorty systemd[1]: Started Network Manager Wait Online.

This was, in syslog, **BEFORE** the lines that were logging failures to start due to the IP addresses not being assigned.

I also determined that this is not a privoxy-specific issue, since I found another message in syslog, after this one, that reported a failure to bind to the IP address in question. is a static IP address. DHCP is not in the picture here. I created bug 1509544 for this, but I am not holding any illusions, here.

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