On 7 October 2017 at 16:59, fred roller <fredrolle...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You mentioned having this mouse for awhile.  Used to have similar issues
> and something to try (low tech) is to clean the connections.  An eraser or
> equivalent will do if you can get to the connectors on the dongle.
> Sometimes the connections get a micro build up on them and a mild
> non-residual abrasive does the trick.  Just a wag.  Worked with radio
> connections (which is where I was inspired) and worked on usb ports/dongles
> as well when I was support.

Don't ignore battery terminals, and  don't use abrasives (which many
erasers contain), as they will damage metal plating.  At one time, carbon
tetrachloride was used for cleaning contacts.   These days there are much
safer designer contact cleaners
After cleaning, Stabilant 22 contact enhancer
<http://ralaudio.com/stabilant-22-contact-enhancer-m-2.html> has worked
well for me over many years.

> tacts-- Fred
> On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 1:03 PM, antonio montagnani <
> antonio.montagn...@alice.it> wrote:
>> Joe Zeff ha scritto il 07/10/2017 alle 00:05:
>>> On 10/06/2017 02:54 PM, Rick Stevens wrote:
>>>> Yeah. As a hardware engineer that has, over many years, transitioned to
>>>> a software engineer, I always assume my software is buggy. I can't
>>>> believe how often it turns out it's hardware like a bad cable or
>>>> something. My rule of thumb is "If it always happens, it's probably
>>>> software. If it's intermittent, then it's likely hardware. Or not."
>>> Pournelle's first rule of debugging is, "The first thing you check is
>>> the cables."
I think it may have Pournelle who first mentioned Stabilant 22.

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>> really it is hard to check cables on a wireless mouse, isn't it?? :-)
>> --
>> Antonio M
>> Skype: amontag52
>> Linux Fedora F26 (Workstation Edition)
>> on Fujitsu Lifebook A512
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