On 10/05/17 19:24, Ambrogio wrote:
> I can't understand what is appening on my Fedora 26.
> All kernels after 4.11.11 are not working on my laptop.
> Abrt says that the problems cannot be submitted because kernel is
> tainted.
> In order to solve my problems and to help Fedora become more stable,
> can you provide me some info on how to throubleshooting the problem and
> help developer?

Well, I am running 4.12.14-300.fc26 just fine.  This is the case even though my
kernel is tainted due to running nVidia drivers and having Virtual Box modules 

In cases like yours, the first step is to undo what you've done to taint your 
and see if the problem can be reproduced.  If it can, you can file a Bugzilla.  
you can't reproduce it, then it is due to the taint and outside of the normal 
solving path.

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